For our second trip to the MoMA, we viewed works of art that had a function other than just being a work of art. These works of art could serve to entertain the viewer through interaction or serve to display valuable data. Some of the works of art had higher functionality than others.
The first design I chose to represent a work of art with high functionality was a architectural drawing by Henri Labrouste titled "Hypothetical restoration project of an ancient city (thought to be Agrigento)". The drawing depicts a walled city with massive ramparts and multiple turrets. A city like this is typical of the time period. In the ancient world, war was very common between rulers so the ruling class often built castles and large fortifications to protect the land to which they lay claim and to deter their enemies from invading. Large walls like the ones portrayed in Labrouste's drawing served to protect the Ruler's city and subjects and to display the power of the Ruler. A city like this is not common in our time. Enclosing walls would prevent a city from expanding and make travel in and out of a city much more inconvenient. This is because we are fortunate enough to live in a time where we do not have to worry about being invaded by neighboring countries like the people of ancient times did. Their need for protection is why a city with high walls would be very functional.
For my second design of high functionality I chose a piece by Massoud Hassani. The work of art is titled "Mine Kafon Wind-Powered Deminer". The function of this design is to detonate land mines safely and efficiently so that the mines are not detonated accidentally by an innocent passerby. Land mines kill numerous innocents every year. There are other ways to clear land mines but what gives Hassani's design a very high functionality is how efficient it is. Other mine clearing methods are often very expensive or time consuming. Hassani's design is powered by the wind and is low-cost. The wind pushes it across mine fields and once it has detonated a mine it can be reassembled for further use. The design is extremely efficient and serves the important function of saving the lives of innocent people.
To illustrate low functionality in design, I chose a piece of art by Didier Faustino entitled "Stairway to Heaven". This work of art is a stand-alone, three story, concrete staircase that appears to be ripped out of an apartment building. At the top of the staircase is a caged basketball court for one. This is a design of low functionality because the basketball court does not need to be there. The artist is trying to say something about solitary play with the placement of the court but in terms of acting as a fully functional basketball court it comes up very short. If one is looking for a good place to play a pick-up game, a normal, ground level basketball court would be much better.
The second design of low functionality I chose is titled "Babel Blocks" and is by Constantin Boym and Laurene Leon Boym. The work of art is several figurines of people. Each person represents a different culture or religious denomination and they appear very different visually, however all the figurines are the same size and shape. The similarity in size and shape is meant to represent the a message of understanding and tolerance. That is the function of this work of art; to represent an idea. It does a good gob of doing this but the reason I designated this work of art as something of low functionality is because the function of delivering a belief or idea is not as practical as other functions. Hassani's work of art detonates land mines and that seems to me to be of a higher functionality than just provoking a thought.
All of these works of art have a function that is useful. What separates the designs of high functionality from the designs of low functionality is the real life application of their functions. The designs I chose to represent high functionality are able to complete a real life task, whether it be preventing unnecessary deaths from land mines or keeping out hostile invaders. The others designs I chose are more used to serve the function of representing an idea. They do a good job of this but compared to the designs of high functionality, they seem more to be merely works of art rather than highly functional designs.
Henri Labrouste
"Hypothetical restoration project of an ancient city (thought to be Agrigento)"
Pen, graphite, and watercolor on paper
Massoud Hassani
"Mind Kafon Wind-Powered Deminer"
Bamboo and biodegradable plastics
Didier Faustino
"Stairway to Heaven"
Model: extruded PVC, plaster, and paint
Constantin Boym and Laurene Leon Boym
"Babel Blocks"